Ducklings in the Road (Earth Day 2019)

Suburbia is where the developer bulldozes out the trees, then names the streets after them. — Bill Vaughan

On the way home from church yesterday traffic slowed to a stop near a busy intersection. Up ahead we could see a couple of cars with their doors open. We thought it might be an accident until we saw a lady bent over on the median, walking with her hands out. She was trying to usher a duck, and four little ducklings, across the busy street. Six lanes of traffic were blocked, and there were a few people getting angry. We also had somewhere to be for Easter, but I thought about it and realized that this was the right thing to do.

We talked as we watched a few people guide the tiny, waddling troupe toward safety. Davin remarked, “Of course you should stop for the ducklings. What if it was a puppy, or a baby? You would stop.” He’s right. All life is precious. The Earth is precious. The Creator God’s essence is seen in nature.

Lianne and I have been going for walks more frequently. She likes to stop and help earthworms along when they are stuck on the pavement. We also pick up trash along the route. We do what we can, in the moment, to appreciate and care for the Earth. Part of humanity’s first mandate in Scripture is to take care of creation, and that underscores how important this issue is for all of us. All of nature is imbued with God’s creative power. When we don’t take care of it, we tarnish God’s will and His work.

I don’t worship nature. I worship God through nature.

On this Earth Day, let’s contemplate the sanctity of life, and the Divine revelation in nature. Let’s work to preserve the work that God began.

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