I’ve experienced the presence of God a few times in my life. Out on the ocean fishing, in the quiet of the little prayer room at church, and holding my infant child for the first time. On this graduation day I think back to how Lianne and I were so overwhelmed with joy to have a baby girl. We happily glued a pink bow to her bald head for the hospital pics. A girl. So precious. We immediately wanted to protect her and Lianne couldn’t wait to dress her up.
We did notice one tiny issue with our new baby. Ava, she had a little wrinkle on her brow. She looked like she was frustrated or frowning or focused. Lianne and I were worried she’d be stuck that way. Now we think that the little furrowed brow represented her determination.

I could list off Ava’s accomplishments; her successes in music, sports, and academics. Her 55 college credits and all-state singing. I could talk about those things. She is amazing, but that’s not who she is.
Who she is is that determined kid with the wrinkled brow. The private school, public school, home schooler who doesn’t exactly fit in, but fits in everywhere. The girl who was told she wouldn’t succeed in advanced math, but worked hard and got an A. The girl who has the drive to be the pitcher on her softball team, the libero on her volleyball team, and the lead in the musical, but is shy in front of crowds.
We signed her up for everything we could as she was growing up. We signed her up for gymnastics, karate, and chorus. She always excelled. One day, when she was a bout 10 years old she came up to me and asked, “Dad, do I have to get married?”
I said, “No, you don’t HAVE to get married, but you might want to some day.”
She thought for a moment and said, “Good! Don’t sign me up for that.”
We don’t plan to sign her up for it until she’s at least 25.
So, who is Ava? She’s an open-minded and loving follower of Jesus. She’s physically and mentally tough. She is beautiful. She can belch entire words on command, and bring tears to your eyes through song. She’ll laugh and insult you when times are good, then listen to you and hug you when times are tough.

When we think back on that amazing, wrinkle-browed baby girl, we never could have imagined who she would become. The wrinkle disappeared in a couple of weeks, but her determination didn’t. The baby became a young woman.
Ava, look at this day as a turning point. You have your entire life ahead of you. It’s a canvas that will be painted one brush stroke at a time with all the wondrous colors of life. So today, pick up your brush and start painting. We’ll always be here to help guide your hand and to admire your work, but this is your canvas.
We love you and we can’t wait to see your masterpiece.