Why I Support the Free State Project

When we got back from the First Annual Porcupine Festival, I was constantly asked why I had gone up to New Hampshire of all places.  I would go into a brief explanation of the Free State Project and why I think it’s a good idea.  What I realized though was that most people weren’t getting it. They didn’t really understand how passionate I am about the FSP, and how important the project is for the future of this country.  This article is an attempt to better explain why I support the Free State Project.

I am extremely concerned about the direction this country is headed.  Government at all levels is growing more intrusive and more powerful at an alarming rate.  True conservative politics at the national level is dead.  The budget deficit is now over $500 billion, and the debt is over $7 trillion.  The Supreme Court, Congress, and the President have taken away more and more of our civil liberties with each new national crisis.

Every effort to reverse this trend has failed.

The reason they have failed is that true liberty lovers are few and far between.  So, there’s the first reason I support the FSP.  It provides a way for those of us who believe passionately in freedom to concentrate our forces in a single place and actually make a difference.  However, that reasoning is too short-sighted.

The reason that America continues down the path of larger and more irresponsible government is that the American people want it that way, or they simply don’t care.  Even with government at all levels taking 40% of what we earn, we are content with the other 60% that they allow us to keep.  We have TVs, houses, cars, families, and fast food.  Americans are stuck in a delusion of freedom.  It’s as if we are trapped in a matrix of our own making, and we have no place to look to see the truth.  Where in the world can we go to find true freedom and liberty?  What nation can we look to as an example of what liberty looks like, or feels like?  Sadly, such a place does not exist, and most Americans cannot even imagine it.

This failure of imagination is what makes the Free State Project so critical to the future of our nation and our world.  Just as the the original thirteen colonies were an example of limited republican government that nations around the world have emulated, New Hampshire will be an example of liberty for the nation and the world to see.  The first free state will stand like a beacon, penetrating the delusions for those who are willing to see and understand what freedom really means.

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