New Position at Work

That’s right, instead of working from the completely prone position I will now be sitting upright in a chair! I’m hoping for big things from this radical shift. 🙂 Actually, after two years of working in what we call the NOC, I’m moving to a new job. If you read back in this blog you’ll see a couple of entries about my job and how I like certain aspects of it, but dislike others. I don’t really want to take this new position, but I know that I’m supposed to. I know this is the right move for me, for my career, and for my family.

Basically, I have grown very comfortable in my current job. I can answer the phones, work the tickets, and solve pretty much any problem that comes up in the course of a day. I also have some time to surf the web and post blog entries, like this one. My current job as a troubleshooter / problem solver stands in marked contrast to the new position which will be more research and monitoring. It is a more senior position, and it will involve some scripting and database planning. It takes me out of the customer facing role that I’ve been in, and puts me back in a cubicle working more on long term projects and tasks. I was hoping for an immediate raise, but that is not the standard practice with EDS. However, the opportunity for advancement in this new job code is much greater, and it will definitely enhance my resume and my career.

The major drawback for me was that it was going to require that I go to 5 day work weeks. I’ve really grown to like the 3 and 4 day work weeks that I’ve been working recently and I didn’t want to change. After a little bit of negotiation, they agreed to allow me to go to 4 day work weeks. So, I decided to take the plunge. It was tough because I am so comfortable where I’m at, but comfortable isn’t always good. In fact, I think comfortable is often bad. The only way we really learn and grow is by stepping into the uncomfortable. That is where the greatest rewards are in life, and that is where I want to be.

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