Wasting Time

Not coincidentally, while watching some NBA playoff games this past week I realized how much time I waste.  That led me to think about what constitutes wasted time, and what is considered time well spent. To some, like Albert Einstein, combing your hair, sleeping, and taking showers would be considered a waste.  Others declare that our physical and mental well being depend on a good amount of relaxation and entertainment.  I don’t have any problem with that 2nd opinion, just because time is spent relaxing doesn’t mean it is time wasted.

Take movies and television for example.  How many of us have wasted hours watching a movie or tv show that simply was not worth the time it took to watch it?  My goal is to be more disciplined with my free time.  Time is not a renewable resource and each second only comes once.  To waste those seconds is a shame, and I’m determined to spend my free/recreational time doing something that bears some type of positive fruit.

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