Circuit Training

I successfully lost about 14 pounds over 3 months, from March 1st to June 1st. I did it with two months of CKD, followed by a high protein, low calorie, low fat diet. My workouts remained pretty consistent. I was getting up at 5:30 in the morning a few times a week, and with the help of some fat burning/energy pills I was able to get in a good 60 to 90 minutes of weights. I jogged and played raquetball or basketball 2 or 3 days a week as well so that I got some good aerobics in. I’m going to change it up though, I’m ready for something different.

At this point, I’d still like to rip a little more fat off my abs, so I’m making one more change for the Summer before I take a break and prepare to “bulk up” over the Winter. I’m going to cut my calories by another 100 per day, and do high intensity circuit training for my weight training in addition to the aerobics I’m already doing. The goal is to burn more fat, maintain as much muscle as possible, and save a little time. Here’s the rough outline of my routine.

3 days per week, 45 – 60 min per workout. Each circuit will consist of 6 exercises with only 30 second breaks in between each exercise and 2 minutes or less between each circuit. I’ll do one ab exercise each day, and focus on two primary muscle groups each day. I’m going to start with 3 circuits, but hopefully ramp that up as I gain conditioning. The idea is to really push yourself during each circuit and I’ve found that I’m completely exhausted after 3. I’ll post a followup to this in a month or so with my progress. Here’s a rough outline of the plan:

Day 1 Circuit (chest, biceps): bench press, preacher curls, leg raises, flys, dumbbell curls, shrugs

Day 2 Circuit (shoulders, back): shoulder press, pullups, situps, kettle bell shoulder press, bent rows, dips

Day 3 Circuit (triceps, legs): pullovers, incline bench press, full crunches, skull crushers, lunges, pushups

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