Jack LaLanne died on Sunday at the age of 96. He defied the years well into his 70s, but even he recognized his aging body wasn’t as capable as he got older. After performing incredible swimming feats throughout his life, when asked what he had planned for his 90th birthday he responded with a bit of mirth, “Tow my wife across the bathtub.” I hear you Jack. For the 2nd time in my life I feel like I’m getting older. It’s not related to my recent 37th birthday, or my graying facial hair, or a rapidly increasing bald spot on the top of my scalp. No, that’s not it. Let me take it back to the first time I felt like I was getting older, and then bring it forward. Continue reading I Feel Like I’m Getting Older (In Memoria. Jack LaLanne)
Category: Diet and Fitness
Thoughts on diet and fitness.
Workout Time Again
Well, it’s that time of year again. It may not seem like it now but in a few short months Spring will be here and that puts me in the mood to get in shape. Two years ago I did a low carb CKD diet along with a heavy lifting routine that showed great results but I don’t think it’s a very healthy way to eat. Last year Lianne and I did about 6 weeks of P90x, both the workouts and the diet, before vacations interrupted us and we never got back on track. This year I’ve got a new plan and the whole family is tagging along for the ride. Continue reading Workout Time Again
Circuit Training
I successfully lost about 14 pounds over 3 months, from March 1st to June 1st. I did it with two months of CKD, followed by a high protein, low calorie, low fat diet. My workouts remained pretty consistent. I was getting up at 5:30 in the morning a few times a week, and with the help of some fat burning/energy pills I was able to get in a good 60 to 90 minutes of weights. I jogged and played raquetball or basketball 2 or 3 days a week as well so that I got some good aerobics in. I’m going to change it up though, I’m ready for something different. Continue reading Circuit Training
CKD – Cyclical Ketosis Diet
I’ve been doing the CKD for a couple of months now with pretty good success. I lost a good amount of weight in the first two weeks, and then have slowly lost weight since then. I’ve leveled out recently and I’m going to switch back to a low fat diet. The bottom line is that I haven’t been blown away by fat loss due to ketosis, and lack of fruits and vegetables bothers me.
Summer ’06 Diet Plan
It’s early May and my Summer plan has been in place for over a month now. It’s basically similar to last year’s plan. I’ve cut out sugar and bad carbs, lowered my fat intake, and lowered my overall caloric intake. At the same time I’m continuing to lift weights and do aerobics. I started off in March at 160 pounds and about 18% body fat. I’m now at 148 pounds and 14% body fat. My goal is to get under 10% body fat, regardless of my weight. I’m not sure my current plan is going to get me there though. Continue reading Summer ’06 Diet Plan
South Beach Round 2
Well, my first round of South Beach dieting wasn’t too successful. The first two weeks of extremely low carb intake is tough. I did fine for about a week, generally keeping my carb count under 30g per day, but once the weekend rolled around I had some problems. Next thing I know it’s the 4th of July and there are picnics and cookouts all over the place. Continue reading South Beach Round 2
South Beach Diet
Well, after the success of my month of June, zero sweets plan, I took a two week break. I gained a couple of pounds during that time, but I’m still 6 pounds lighter than when I started. Now my goal is to strip away the excess fat and maintain some muscle mass for the rest of July and into August. Continue reading South Beach Diet
Attained My Goal
Well, it’s June 1st and I attained my goal. I was 149 pounds this morning when I weighed myself. Continue reading Attained My Goal
Diet Update
So far, so good. I’ve lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks, but I’m still eating a little too much fat and not enough carbs and protein. I’m splitting all three groups roughly evenly at 30% – 35% each, and consuming 60g – 65g of fat. My goal for the next two weeks is to continue toward 150 pounds, but to get my fat intake under 50g.
Starting a Diet?
So I’ve decided that I’ve got too much fat. I’m 5’7″, 158 pounds. That’s not really overweight, but my problem is that I can’t see my abs. So, I’m going to go on a diet to lean up by the summer. Here’s the plan. Continue reading Starting a Diet?