Well I’ve decided to join Bryan and the many others on the World Wide Web who keep a blog about the happenings in their life. I used to do this the old fashioned way, with pen and paper. It was called a diary. smile. Now it’s time to get with the high speed world and type up my thoughts, goals, accomplishments, mistakes and lessons learned and save it to my hard drive. They are safe there. Won’t get lost, misplaced or destroyed unlike journals. Half the time I can’t remember where I put my journal last. When I do manage to find it and flip through I notice several pages are smudged with food or warped from water being spilled. I used to tell myself that one day I would sit down and rewrite them so they would be nice and neat. Bryan always thought I was silly for writing and not typing them up. I personally think that handwritten thoughts in a book are more personal than text on a screen. But here I am typing. Let’s face it, typing is much quicker and more economical. Gee, economical?! I sound like Bryan.