Do you ever have one of times where somebody asks you what you did over the weekend and you can’t think of one meaningful thing that you did or accomplished? That definitely was NOT this past weekend for me. From the time I woke up until I went to bed on Saturday I was performing my fatherly and husbandly duties, and it was pretty daggone fun.
The main thing that made it busy is that I decided it would be a good idea to sign Jaron up for both baseball and soccer this Fall, and we’ve been hosting weekly poker tournaments at our house on Saturday nights. We had to be out at the baseball field by 8:30am, so we got up around 7, fed and dressed the kids, and headed out. Turns out that coach pitch games are usually 90 minutes to 2 hours long, and it was incredibly hot out this weekend. Lianne ended up taking the two younger kids home. I stayed and watched Jaron go 1-3 with a run and a strike out, while playing OF, 3B, and 2B. We had to hitch a ride home and ended up not getting home until close to noon.
I made lunch for the kids while Lianne worked on her graduate school application, and managed to squeeze in a few minutes to check my fantasy sports teams, which did quite well this weekend btw. The next thing I know we need to head out to Jaron’s soccer game at 1:30pm. The other kids were napping, so I went and watched him play an excellent game where he had a number of shots on goal and scored his team’s final goal.
Following the game I did some running around, going to the video store and the gas station. I got home, and we had a poker tournament to plan for. We picked up some around the house, although Lianne had taken care of most of that Friday night, and then we fed the kids and got them ready for bed. The poker game lasted until 11:30pm or so, and our day was complete.
Speaking of poker. Jaron played his first game with the adults on Sunday afternoon. He fared pretty well. He’s definitely got the concept down, although he didn’t always see every possibility out on the table. He ended up finishing 2nd out of 5 and was the chip leader for at least some portion of the game. At the age of 7, maybe we just discovered his special ability. You know, his mutant power. I’m convinced that everyone has one. If you see a little kid who can barely see over the table edge on ESPN’s WSOP, that might just be him.