The Love (R)Evolution

In an earlier entry I wrote about a new awareness I had. I wrote descriptively about what true love is, and how humanity has a higher calling to live loving lives and to sacrifice ourselves because of our love for those around us. I outlined my intentions to live this loving life, and I have since come to a startling conclusion. I can’t do it.

What I now know, and what should have always been apparent to me, is that it is impossible to live a loving life. My “Love Revolution” has only served to show me how far off I am from that goal. Much in the same way that Paul describes The Law in Romans 7, the Love Revolution has shown me that I simply cannot do it. Now, let me clarify. I’m not saying that mankind can’t, on occassion, rise above its natural desire to protect itself and look out for itself first. We can look around, particularly during this holiday season, and see the better side of man. However, to truly live a loving life, day by day, hour by hour, is a task that is too great for anyone. So where does this leave me and my life changing revolution?

Well, the Revolution is now an Evolution. Instead of a “sudden or momentous change in a situation”, it is a “gradual process in which something changes into a different and usually more complex or better form.” So, not only do I recognize that the change will be gradual and never ending, but also that I need help in accomplishing it. I can only assume that this help will come through spiritual growth and enlightenment. God is love, and getting to know Him better will hopefully be the catalyst to my evolution. I may very well fail more often than I succeed, but such is the “road to success” in this life.

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