In Love With Nerds

My name is Bryan and I’m a nerdaholic. That’s right, these are the confessions of a nerd-lover, nay, a nerd addict. Being a nerd myself it’s easy to see why I have a certain affinity for them. They are cute little guys after all, so sweet and tangy. Willy Wonka really knew what he was doing when he invented these fellas. Well, I’ve heard that only absolute honesty and truthful confessions can allow you to break an addiction, and the first step is recognizing that you have a problem, so let me start from the beginning. Continue reading In Love With Nerds

White or Red?

Is it choice, or is it fate?
White or red?
The difference between the two is profound.
White or red?
That decision would alter the course of our lives forever.
White or red?

His alarm woke him up at 6:30am that Thursday morning. If it had been a normal morning for the high school junior, he would have groggily swung his legs over the side of his bed and just sat there comatose for a good 10 or 15 minutes. This was not a normal morning, however. It took him a few moments to realize it, but he soon had that thrilling feeling that you get when you know it’s going to be an exciting day. You know, the same feeling you get when you wake up and it suddenly dawns on you that it’s Christmas morning, or that you’re leaving for an out of town vacation, or it’s the first day of Summer break. That was the feeling the 17 year old got this day, and it propelled him out of bed and into the shower within seconds. Today was a day that he had been thinking about for months. He had a feeling that the events which he was hoping to put in motion today would affect the course of the rest of his life. We all come across those moments regularly in our lives, those major decisions, and sometimes minor ones, that end up having an overwhelming impact on who we are and where our lives go. Bryan had the good fortune to recognize ahead of time that this day was to be one of those moments, and it only added to his excitement. The date was February 14th, 1991. Continue reading White or Red?

The Love (R)Evolution

In an earlier entry I wrote about a new awareness I had. I wrote descriptively about what true love is, and how humanity has a higher calling to live loving lives and to sacrifice ourselves because of our love for those around us. I outlined my intentions to live this loving life, and I have since come to a startling conclusion. I can’t do it. Continue reading The Love (R)Evolution

Missions Trip Memories

Just a few days ago I was reminiscing about a missions trip that Lianne and I went on to Bulgaria in the summer of 1996. It was an incredible adventure, but the thing that stands out the most in my mind isn’t the hundreds of people who were ministered to, or the orphanage we visited, or the healing services. No, the thing I remember most is a young man named Anton who simply said “No” when asked if he wanted to be saved. Continue reading Missions Trip Memories

New Position at Work

That’s right, instead of working from the completely prone position I will now be sitting upright in a chair! I’m hoping for big things from this radical shift. 🙂 Actually, after two years of working in what we call the NOC, I’m moving to a new job. If you read back in this blog you’ll see a couple of entries about my job and how I like certain aspects of it, but dislike others. I don’t really want to take this new position, but I know that I’m supposed to. I know this is the right move for me, for my career, and for my family. Continue reading New Position at Work

The Love Revolution

I’ve realized recently that spiritual and philosophical pursuits are fine, but if they don’t lead to self improvement they are wasted. I enjoy researching and debating Calvinism and Arminianism and end times theology, but without a true grasp of the more foundational Truths, I can’t apply any of my knowledge to my life. I’m no better of a man because I believe in amilleniallism. So, what’s the key to becoming a better person? Love … Continue reading The Love Revolution

Soccer Dad and Poker Prodigy

Do you ever have one of times where somebody asks you what you did over the weekend and you can’t think of one meaningful thing that you did or accomplished? That definitely was NOT this past weekend for me. From the time I woke up until I went to bed on Saturday I was performing my fatherly and husbandly duties, and it was pretty daggone fun. Continue reading Soccer Dad and Poker Prodigy

The Saga of the Health Insurance Claim Mistake

Back in February of 2005 we took Davin to the pediatrician for his 1 year check up. They weighed him, measured, gave him some shots, etc. We also asked the doc about a bad skin rash that Davin had. That simple question about the rash caused all kinds of confusion with our insurance company. Continue reading The Saga of the Health Insurance Claim Mistake

Hot and Humid

The other day I stepped outside between thunderstorms to mow my yard. I was dripping sweat within minutes. We’ve had the longest streak of hot, muggy weather that I can remember. Temperatures are in the low 90’s with heat indexes around 105. As I mowed the jungle that was my back yard I realized that I truly enjoy the hot weather. I guess it’s in part because I spent so much of my childhood in Georgia, Florida, and the Philippines. It just feels good to get out in the sunshine and sweat a little. It will definitely be one thing I will miss if/when we’re able to move to New Hampshire.

Where Do My Dreams Take Me?

My brother and sister-in-law just took off for Los Angeles in pursuit of their dreams. Clay had just finished getting a Master’s degree in Music Composition from the University of Miami and they are eager to get started with whatever life has in store for them. Los Angeles is the hub of media and entertainment, and that is where the best pop culture composers work. So, they’re off. They left both sets of parents, 3 brothers, 2 sisters-in-law, and 3 neices and nephews, in pursuit of a dream. Continue reading Where Do My Dreams Take Me?