Lianne mentioned to me yesterday that her brother and sister-in-law were going to do their annual Easter egg hunt next Sunday afternoon. I knew Easter was coming up next week, but for some reason when she brought up that egg hunt it just didn’t seem right. Didn’t we just do that Easter egg hunt a few months ago? Has it been a year already? Continue reading Where Did the Time Go?
2004 Year in Review
Well, we’ve just started the new year off and amidst all the Top 10, Top 25, and Top 100 shows on VH1, E!, and MSNBC, we decided to make our own Top 10 list. So brace yourselves for “Bryan and Lianne’s Top 10 Most Memorable Events From 2004”. These are 10 things that happened to our little family that seem like a big deal to us. For more about the goings on Bryan and Lianne’s world, feel free to check out our weblog and photo gallery at
Continue reading 2004 Year in Review
The Lovesac
A few weeks ago Lianne and I headed up to DC to check out Gallaudet University and to attend a Free State Project meeting. While there we decided to hit Potomac Mills, do some shopping, and eat at a little bistro there in the food court that has awesome wraps. We ate our lunch and just started walking through the 2 mile long mall.
Within minutes my feet started aching. I can play basketbal for 2 hours straight, but walking through a mall just sends sharp pains through the soles of my feet. I can’t explain it. 🙂 We eventually reached the end of the first wing and started heading back. We rounded a corner and saw the hugest bean bag we had ever seen.<!–more–> We walked into the store and plopped down on the monstrosity. We found out that it wasn’t a bean bag, it was a love sac. This was their opening day, and sacs were being fluffed left and right. The Lovesac
I had been planning to buy a new lazyboy recliner for myself, but sitting in that lovesac with Lianne for a few minutes changed my mind. I decided then and there that I wanted a supersac to call my own. My Dad always told me to never make a major purchase without giving yourself a good night’s sleep to think about it first. We decided that’s what we’d do. Two weeks later we were making another trip to DC with visions of fluffy sacs dancing in our heads.
I wanted to make sure that I would be comfortable in my new sac, so I was determined to sit in a 6 footer for 45 minutes or so to see how it felt. Lianne and I lounged around in the store, and fluffed sacs for so long that people thought we worked there. We were definitely sold. Instead of a recliner, we were getting a lovesac.
The love sac comes shrunken down into a 75 pound duffel bag that easily fits into your car. We brought our sac home and planned a big coming out party which would take place during Lianne’s birthday celebration the next day. All of our family and friends would be there to help us fluff our shrunken sac. It was a blast. It still hasn’t fluffed up to it’s full size, but we all love it. This link has some pictures of the fluffing party. Be sure to invite us over when you get yours! Lovesac Photos
Why I Love My Job
It’s Thursday October 7th, 2004, and I will be working 3 days or fewer every week for the rest of the year. Period. That’s it. That’s why I love my job.
Normally I alternate between 3 day weeks and 4 day weeks, but with 100 hours of vacation, and 60 hours of holidays to use up by December 31st, I’m going to take a day off every other week. In addition, I have enough time to take two full weeks off just before Christmas. Does it get any better than that? I’m completely spoiled to the long weekends and I’m used to the 12 hour days. I’m going to go to work every day thankful for what I have. I spend more time with my family, and less time watching TV, than ever before. I get paid well, and I enjoy my work. What else could I ask for?
The Government’s Definition of Marriage
I watched some of the Senate debate on the Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage yesterday. I was struck by the arrogance of both sides of the argument. While the Democrats at least argued for states’ rights and individual freedom, they still assumed that government has the authority to define marriage. However, the truth is that they only have that authority as long as we give it to them. Let me explain. Continue reading The Government’s Definition of Marriage
Why I Support the Free State Project
When we got back from the First Annual Porcupine Festival, I was constantly asked why I had gone up to New Hampshire of all places. I would go into a brief explanation of the Free State Project and why I think it’s a good idea. What I realized though was that most people weren’t getting it. Continue reading Why I Support the Free State Project
Trip to New Hampshire
We just got back this week from a trip to New Hampshire. The purpose of the trip was both to vacation and to attend theFirst Annual Porcupine Freedom Festival which was a <a href=””>Free State Project</a> get together. To see all the pictures from our trip, <a href=””>check out our photo album.</a> Continue reading Trip to New Hampshire
Wasting Time
Not coincidentally, while watching some NBA playoff games this past week I realized how much time I waste. That led me to think about what constitutes wasted time, and what is considered time well spent. Continue reading Wasting Time
12 Hour Shifts and Microsoft
I’m approaching three months on the new job and things are going pretty well. I’m now a moderately competent Win2k administrator, but I’m not sure that’s what I want to be. I spent some time this past weekend writing Perl scripts and messing with the firewall at my house, and it made me nostalgic for my job at GMTI. Working with Microsoft products is really a drag. Continue reading 12 Hour Shifts and Microsoft
My Complex
In the modern age of psycho-babble and self-pitying victim syndromes I’ve realized that I too suffer from a grave mental problem. It’s called a Superiority Complex. I’m sure everyone is familiar with the good ole’ Inferiority Complex. Well, this is its arch-nemesis. Continue reading My Complex