Where Do My Dreams Take Me?

My brother and sister-in-law just took off for Los Angeles in pursuit of their dreams. Clay had just finished getting a Master’s degree in Music Composition from the University of Miami and they are eager to get started with whatever life has in store for them. Los Angeles is the hub of media and entertainment, and that is where the best pop culture composers work. So, they’re off. They left both sets of parents, 3 brothers, 2 sisters-in-law, and 3 neices and nephews, in pursuit of a dream. Continue reading Where Do My Dreams Take Me?

Miami Trip

I think it was August of 2003 when Clay got accepted into the music production Master’s program at the University of Miami. It was great news, but the catch was that he and Angie would have to leave immediately. Classes were starting right away and within a week, they were gone. I was pretty daggone bummed. Our family is pretty tight and we were all still living within 10 minutes of each other until then. So, I shed a few tears, and then decided that Lianne and I would have to go down and visit them in Miami at some point. Continue reading Miami Trip

Diet Update

So far, so good. I’ve lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks, but I’m still eating a little too much fat and not enough carbs and protein. I’m splitting all three groups roughly evenly at 30% – 35% each, and consuming 60g – 65g of fat. My goal for the next two weeks is to continue toward 150 pounds, but to get my fat intake under 50g.