The Love Revolution

I’ve realized recently that spiritual and philosophical pursuits are fine, but if they don’t lead to self improvement they are wasted. I enjoy researching and debating Calvinism and Arminianism and end times theology, but without a true grasp of the more foundational Truths, I can’t apply any of my knowledge to my life. I’m no better of a man because I believe in amilleniallism. So, what’s the key to becoming a better person? Love … Continue reading The Love Revolution

Soccer Dad and Poker Prodigy

Do you ever have one of times where somebody asks you what you did over the weekend and you can’t think of one meaningful thing that you did or accomplished? That definitely was NOT this past weekend for me. From the time I woke up until I went to bed on Saturday I was performing my fatherly and husbandly duties, and it was pretty daggone fun. Continue reading Soccer Dad and Poker Prodigy

What To Do

Well I thought I had things all figured out. The plan was to move to D.C. next summer and take up graduate deaf study classes at Gallaudet University. Some of those plans changed this summer. While taking a Deaf Culture class I learned that it really isn’t acceptable for a hearing person to teach American Sign Language (ASL) . I had actually heard this before but it was from a hearing person who taught ASL! So I didn’t give that line of thinking much clout. As it turns out, over the summer, I was taught the same rule of thought by two Deaf educators. I was totally bummed Continue reading What To Do

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Jaron and Ava said a couple of cute things recently that I though were worth writing down. Unfortunately, I wasn’t there for either of them, so this is a 2nd hand recounting. It really is neat to see the world through your kids’ eyes. They have a totally different perspective on technology, and on what’s important.

Jaron, our 7 year old son, started up a conversation with my wife the other day. He wanted to know if she’d ever used “one of those things where the paper comes out.” Continue reading Kids Say the Darndest Things

The Saga of the Health Insurance Claim Mistake

Back in February of 2005 we took Davin to the pediatrician for his 1 year check up. They weighed him, measured, gave him some shots, etc. We also asked the doc about a bad skin rash that Davin had. That simple question about the rash caused all kinds of confusion with our insurance company. Continue reading The Saga of the Health Insurance Claim Mistake

South Beach Round 2

Well, my first round of South Beach dieting wasn’t too successful. The first two weeks of extremely low carb intake is tough. I did fine for about a week, generally keeping my carb count under 30g per day, but once the weekend rolled around I had some problems. Next thing I know it’s the 4th of July and there are picnics and cookouts all over the place. Continue reading South Beach Round 2

Hot and Humid

The other day I stepped outside between thunderstorms to mow my yard. I was dripping sweat within minutes. We’ve had the longest streak of hot, muggy weather that I can remember. Temperatures are in the low 90’s with heat indexes around 105. As I mowed the jungle that was my back yard I realized that I truly enjoy the hot weather. I guess it’s in part because I spent so much of my childhood in Georgia, Florida, and the Philippines. It just feels good to get out in the sunshine and sweat a little. It will definitely be one thing I will miss if/when we’re able to move to New Hampshire.

2nd Week at Gallaudet

This week has gone by quickly. I think going home for the long weekend and then only having 4 days of school helped make it fly by. I enjoyed the beginning of this week much more than all of last week. I think last week I felt overwhelmed. Every morning before class I felt a little nauseas and nervous. Anyway, over the weekend I decided I would try and relax more this week. I really wanted to enjoy my experience and get the most out of being here. I didn’t really acheive the latter but I did have a good week (up until today..but I’ll get to that later). Continue reading 2nd Week at Gallaudet